Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Why Use Steel ???

Why Steel?

Steel has many advantages and disadvantages when choosing it as a construction element over other elements such as timber. When it comes to the construction on a factory, using it in a portal frame. These advantages can include:

  • The accuracy of the engineered computations in calculation sizes and lengths.
  • Its recycabiltiy and life-cycle costs as most buildings are also designed for demolition.
  • Unlike timber that can be whether delayed steel can be worked on under roofing.
  • Steel does not creep as much as timber which can become a problem in the long run for timber construction.
  • All connection of steel members can be calculated by engineers.
  • It has much greater spanning capability then other elements as far as span/section depth.
  • It has much better quality control where it can be produced off-site and constructed on-site.

Even though steel has many advantages over other building materials when it comes to construction of a factory. There are still disadvantages that would make people selected different materials. These can include:

· Sometimes there is limited availability of certain sections.

· With steel there are many treatments and protection that is needed if the construction is going to last such as; anti-corrosion treatment and fire protection.

· If there was a fire heavy timber section perform better then steel as it can fail under the heat.

· There is a greater level of skill required then just carpenters if timber was being used.

· Higher degree of accuracy required because errors and changers are harder to correct.

Even though steel is more recyclable there are much greater environmental damages.


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