Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Union blames Comcare for crane incident

May 25, 2007

'The construction union has pointed the finger of blame at the national workplace safety body after a massive crane became unstable on Friday at the National Portrait Gallery construction site in Canberra.

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) construction national secretary Dave Noonan said the crane began tilting on its base, putting workers and the public at risk.

Work at the site has been shut down.

Mr Noonan criticised the safety response, saying the operation at the John Holland site was bungled, forcing the dismantling of the crane.

"John Holland's have recently shifted from the ACT WorkCover Scheme to Comcare, which has only 32 workplace safety inspectors nationally," he said in a statement.

"When the Comcare safety inspectors arrived, it emerged they had little or no experience in construction safety and had to seek advice from union officials.

"The incident highlights the dangers of expanding Comcare into the construction industry. We need an inspectorate properly resourced and experienced."

Mr Noonan said CFMEU officials were at the site assisting inspectors.

A Comcare spokesman later said there was no incident that put workers or the public at risk.

"John Holland dealt expeditiously and appropriately with a potential safety hazard," the spokesman said.

"Cracks were discovered in the concrete footing for a newly installed crane that had not yet been put to use.

"The site was immediately closed off and all appropriate steps taken to protect workers and the public. Comcare investigators attended the site quickly."

The spokesman said independent inspection confirmed there was no immediate threat to safety and that timely and safe action was taken to dismantle the crane.

"CFMEU officials were in attendance during the dismantling as were Comcare investigators," he said.

A Comcare investigation of the matter had begun, the spokesman said.'

  • Large Crane Become Unstable at the National Portrait Gallery Construction site in Canberra.
  • Put workers and public at risk
  • Under qualified Inspectors being used by Comcare

Saftey is the most important factor in the construction industry and when something happenes that affects people's saftey it is a big issue. This will affect the whole construction industry as it will mean tighter and more in depth checks on constrution sites. Comcare should stay out of the inspection of construction sites espically if they are using under qualified inspectors.

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