Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Major Project Model

First Image showing the workings of the reinforcement under the column and slab the second showing the the final product.

Major Project Development 5

Grout placed where still columns will go, gives a buffer area between the base plate and the concrete footing. Giving a flush connection.

Steel Columns are placed with the use of cranes to lift and lower onto the starter bars.
Nuts are used to hold the Steel column to the ground as large forces from the roof and walls travel through these columns.

Major Project Development 4

Concrete Pour process is complete with all the reinforcement being covered by the concrete.

Major Project Development 3

Reinforcement placed on bar chairs and tires together with wire to minimise movement. Trench cage also placed for the footing.
Starter Bars placed for Steel columns, Ready for Concrete Pour

Major Delevlopment 2

50 mm of sand/crushed rock placed for the slab .
Bar Chairs Placed in grid formation for the reinforcement to rest on.

Major Project Development 1

The prepartion of the site including digging the trench and leveling the site ready for placement of reinforcement.

Advanced Steel Construction